
October 28, 2024

"Great product, great customer service. I will buy again for sure"
October 25, 2024

Brian Gibson

"Great Product and super fast shipping! I would not do business with anyone else! "
December 2, 2021

"Product works, I use it for mountaineering. I decreased my Summit time by 2 hours on the Middle Teton."
April 28, 2021

"Jennifer called me on Tuesday 4-13-21 to say she tested positive for Covid, was sent home from work, is in horrible condition with temperature, bad body aches all over, strong headache, no strength, no energy, no appetite, and feeling the worst she can remember ever. 3 days later her temperature was gone, but she still felt trashed, laying in bed, unable to do anything. Except for the temperature, nothing else had improved. With Covid being a respiratory issue, I decided to call O2BLAST and send her some oxygen. I ordered on Tuesday April 20th, and she received it on Thursday April 22nd, and started right away. The very next day, Friday the 23rd, she called me in the afternoon to say she was 90% improved, using the oxygen lightly every couple hours for 1 day. She couldn't believe the dramatic change in only 24 hours. She was so much better (only slight headache) that she was able to go to work in 3 days on Monday April 26th, and although a little weakened, put in her 8 hours, and called me when she got home Monday night. We believe clearly that the oxygen supplied by O2BLAST was totally responsible for her almost miracle-like recovery. We have the highest appreciation and praise possible for the product, your help, and speedy delivery from O2BLAST. Dave"
April 15, 2021

"Great product and fast shipping, Thank you O2 Blast"
O2 Energy LLC